I sit in my Parisian apartment on my temporary couch, legs crossed and laptop resting easily on my exhausted legs; I remain completely overwhelmed by the fact that my laptop (and I) are in Paris. Its been 10 days and none of it feels real. This is one of those dreams that feels so real you almost believe it is but deep down you know it can't be. And when you awake you think to yourself, "that felt impossibly real - was it?" And you spend the next few minutes trying to figure out if your dream actually happened. I can't help but wonder when I'm going to wake up.
I am without reality, comfort, clarity and companionship. I have grown quite accustom to exploration, wonderment, awe and disbelief. I struggle to find the words and in this moment eloquence escapes me so I will type what comes to mind from the start to finish of my adventure thus far. I will also attach just a few of the hundreds of photos I've taken so far. They seem to describe my journey thus far better than I ever could. (Scroll down past the pictures for more info).
london |
london |
london |
london |
london |
london |
paris |
paris |
paris |
paris "she and him" |
paris |
paris - my apartment |
paris - view from my terrace |
paris |
paris |
paris |
paris |
brussels |
brussels |
brussels |
brussels | | |
Brussels - Emily |
brussels |
brussels |
brussels |
brussels |
brussels "mannekin pis" |
brussels |
- 100 pounds of luggage have traveled with me from the US, to London, to Paris, only partially to Brussels and I have the arm and leg bruises to prove it.
- Red double-decker-open-top buses are cheesy but a MUST in any new/foreign/world renown city.
- Quitting your job of 6.5 years, leaving friends, family, boyfriend and home (of 8.5 years) for a foreign country you've never visited is as overwhelming as one might think.
- Tanya Ruby rocks.
- Paris is striped boat neck tees, baguettes in totes, sidewalk cafes (every 50 steps), beautiful women, bakeries (every 30 steps), architecture, fashion, history, culture, diversity, parks, gardens, street markets, style, cigarettes, artwork, cheese, wine, shopping, luxury, kindness, busy, inspiring and so much more...
- JFK to CDG is only 6.5 hours. Emily Davis saved my spirit.
- The rumors are not true. The French are extremely friendly: "bonjour", a smile and a small amount of effort is really all it takes.
- Apartment scams are real. I know.
- At age 32 I'm not above sitting in a vestibule for 2 hours, wondering if I've been scammed again, eating a baguette, drinking a tall boy beer, surrounded by my luggage and my dear friend Emily both wearing sweats as several people pass by and provided kind greetings and well wishes "bon apetit" was the most used during our vestibule stay.
- Paris is expensive!
- Taxis are impossible to find in the morning in Paris. Bus drivers will lie about how long it takes to get somewhere. And they will forget to tell you when its your stop.
- Next time I'm asked if I want a refundable or exchangeable train ticket my answer will be a resounding "OUI, s'il vous plait!"
- Brussels, Belgium is an hour and 20 minute train ride. Its like going back in time to a cobble stoned fairytale that smells of waffles, soup, vintage antique home decor and beauty.
- Waffles from Belgium are THAT delicious.
- When reality and fantasy collide life gets real - real quick.
- I am comfortable admitting when I'm sad.
- I am comfortable admitting when I've made a mistake.
- Apparently my french doesn't suck.
- I don't feel alone when I'm walking the streets of Paris.
- DO NOT make eye contact with men on the streets of European towns they will stop, follow and harass you. Some have been known to dig through garbage cans in hopes of getting a phone number.
- I am further reminded of how lucky I am to have the friends and family I have.
- I walk, everywhere.
- My feet hurt.
- Its 3 pm in LA and midnight in Paris - time for bed.
- In Paris I am Jillian - no one understands me when I say Jill. Jillian it is.
My life remains unexpected and unplanned and I am incredibly thankful for all of your support and encouragement. You all are missed dearly. Good night for now.
WOW! I am so impressed, inspired and in awe at your courage and independence!! You are amazing and I love you so much. Your pictures are incredible and should be hanging in an art museum somewhere. They're that beautiful. Especially the ones with you in them. :) Seriously though, they're incredible. I feel so lucky to have you as my family and friend. You're the best. Love, Mandysue. p.s. I love that they only understand 'Jillian'. It's such a gorgeous name and I just love it!