A year ago I was living a comfortable, successful and......stagnant life. It was a good life. And for all intents and purposes a great life. A life I'd never dreamt I'd live. 32 years old, ocean-view cottage, successful career, incredible friends, wonderful family and active social life. But I couldn't shake (true to the cliche) the feeling that I wasn't growing and something was missing. I had come to a point where change was a must and the question persisted: "what do you want out of life at this point?" I could have, and many think should have, stayed with my career at the law firm. The 6.5 years I spent working at McGregor & Ernenwein will forever be a highlight of my life. I'm eternally indebted to Robert Ernenwein, for everything he taught and gave to me.
You are family.
But....I believe in growth and learning and as much as I don't like it, change. So the answer to my question was simple and resounding. A year ago, if I could have had anything or been anywhere I would have taken the leap and gone to Paris OR been madly in love (cheesy and maybe embarrassing but if I'm going to be honest those were the only 2 things that continuously popped into my head) - both seemed impossible, nonetheless, I was ready in a way I hadn't been before. Since neither seemed feasible and I couldn't just choose to be in love nor am I capable or interested in dating like a normal person.
I chose Paris.
As luck would have it, the universe decided to throw me a goofy, D.C. transplant, unexpectedly handsome, curve ball; 3 months after I made the decision to go to Paris the engine in my '03 A4 blew and I met Adam. Just as I made plans for real change in my life, change was exactly what I was going to get. So I went to Paris. I explored. I grew. I changed. And to my surprise, I happily came home with anticipation of a new life only to find even more unexpected adventures ahead...
I am home.
Home is still a cottage with an ocean view, for now. Adam continues to add excitement and creativity to our home in ways I'd never imagined. Home has a different and evolving meaning for me now that I left my career, went to Paris and met the man.
I continue to explore different career paths. Leaning heavily towards photography although I have MUCH to learn in that department. I'm flirting with developing a photography tour of my beach town for out of town visitors. Here are a few pics I've captured of "home"...
Photos aside I am continuously pulled towards Homeboy Industries and similar organizations that teach at-risk youth and gang members necessary job and life skills in order to build better lives. I was fortunate enough to meet Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries at Pages a bookstore in Manhattan Beach during a speaking engagement last week. It is hard to articulate the emotions I had while standing in a room of strangers listening to a man, a human, who is nothing short of my hero, speak with such frankness, compassion, and strength about people that the world would rather lock up and forget. It reminded me why I left my job and did nothing short of inspire me.
I'm growing.
So I find myself in a continued space of transition. It isn't what I expected. It is harder than I expected. Finding my motivation is tough. Fear does its best to intimidate me. But I'm learning.
I'm on my way....
Change is coming.
Don't ever stop growing and learning.